Identifying Effective Teachers Policy
Michigan does not have a data system that can be used to provide evidence of teacher effectiveness.
However, Michigan does have two of three necessary elements that would allow for the development of a student- and teacher-level longitudinal data system. The state has assigned unique student identifiers that connect student data across key databases across years. It also has the capacity to match student test records from year to year in order to measure student academic growth.
Although Michigan assigns teacher identification numbers, it cannot match individual teacher records with individual student records.
Develop capacity of state data system.
Michigan should ensure that its state data system is able to match individual teacher records with individual student records.
Develop a clear definition of "teacher of record."
A definition of teacher of record is necessary in order to use the student-teacher data link for teacher evaluation and related purposes. Michigan defines the teacher of record as the certificated teacher who provides instruction, gives tests and quizzes, and evaluates student performance. However, to ensure that data provided through the state data system are actionable and reliable, Michigan should articulate a more distinct definition of teacher of record and require its consistent use throughout the state.
Michigan asserted that its Teacher Student Data Link Collection (TSDL) in the state's student data system will report links between students and the teacher(s) who provide instruction to them. These data are necessary to meet the requirements of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) and the America Competes Act as part of the State Fiscal Stabilization Fund.
Michigan noted that this is a full-year collection, and reported data reflect the student's performance in classes taken throughout the current academic year and the status of his or her academic report at the end of the school year. Collection will be open mid-May through August 31.
The state also pointed out that in the April 2011 State School Aid Update, funds for the teacher student data link were included in the April 2011 payment. The amount of the reimbursement is $5.38 per pupil. The pupil count used is the current year blend of both general education and special education pupils. Additional State Aid Status Reports are posted online.