Search Results: Work Day

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61 results found

Reimagining the Teaching Role
Our classrooms haven't kept pace with innovation. The Ford Model T represented breakthrough technology in its day—more than 100 years ago—but it wouldn't serve us well today. Likewise, our traditional...

Myth-busted: Teachers don’t skip school
A working paper reveals a commonly held assumption that teachers frequently miss work compared to other professionals is wrong.

How long is your school year? It depends—a lot—on where you live

What's resonating with school district leaders and staff in 2023
Explore the most popular District Trendline posts of 2023, spotlighting topics like paid parental leave benefits, housing costs in relation to teaching salaries, the diversification of the teacher workforce, and...

Are your substitute teachers getting paid more at Walmart?
Districts nationally are struggling to build strong pools of substitute teachers. Yet in 40% of the large districts we analyzed, entry-level substitute teachers are paid less than what they would...

Precious little time: How to make teachers' professional learning worthwhile
How do you balance teachers' need for professional development with the time it takes away from their students? And do you make sure that time is well spent?

Think a four-day school week is better? Think again
A four-day work week may seem like a good way to attract teachers and address tightening school budgets, but researchers say it might do more harm than good.

Teacher leave policies: How much paid time off do teachers get?
When a teacher needs to take time off, what paid leave is available to them?

Planning time may help mitigate teacher burnout—but how much planning time do teachers get?
A look at how the nation's largest districts address planning and collaboration time for elementary and secondary teachers

Teachers want families, too: Why it’s time for paid family leave,-too:-Why-its-time-for-paid-family-leave
Offering paid family leave is an important way to improve quality of life for educators.

How many school districts offer paid parental leave?
A review of school districts' parental leave policies and how these policies can help support and retain teachers

It’s time to get serious about professional development and support for substitute teachers
It's time to show our substitute teachers that we value them—and the time they spend with our students.

Pay increases and other non-obscure strategies to address the substitute teacher shortage
How several large school districts are revisiting policies surrounding pay and health benefits to attract prospective substitute teachers.

When school breaks no longer spark joy
Why should anyone care that schools take a little break, especially given all that teachers have been through over the past 18 months?

A look at districts’ planning and collaboration policies for their teachers
As districts begin toplan what the next school year will look like, we analyze how teacher planningand collaboration time are currently being addressed in the nation's largestdistricts.

Substitute Teaching 101: When no one answers the call
Are some teacher absences more likely to be covered than others? And what can be learned from the situations when it is not possible to find a sub?

Tracking district teacher policies in the COVID-19 environment
New data & analysis from negotiated agreements on school reopening, PPE, teacher eval, leave, & more.

Roll Call 2020
Teachers remain the most important in-school factor for student learning. The implementation of remote learning reminds us of teachers' preeminent importance, with current schooling stripped of all but this one...

Leave and health insurance for teachers: safeguards amid COVID-19 worries
In the absence of a federal protection, it becomes the jurisdiction of individual districts to lay out protocols.

Substitute teachers during the pandemic: requirements, benefits, and pay,-benefits,-and-pay
Although districts reopening schools virtually may have less need for substitute teachers due to teachers' reduced exposure to illness, districts reopening in-person need more substitutes than normal, as social distance...

Ensuring strong and stable substitute teacher pools
What do substitute teacher pools look like across the largest school districts in the country and how can districts use strategic compensation and other innovative practices to ensure a strong...

Can better applicant screening raise teacher quality?
It's teacher hiring season, and school districts are out in full force working to recruit teachers.

2017 State Substitute Teacher Licensing
Learn more about state's policies for licensing substitute teachers.

District Leave Policies
Learn more about how much leave districts grant to teachers by exploring the Teacher Contract Database.

November 2017: Teacher Planning and Collaboration Time
While salary often dominates news headlines about teacher contract negotiations, time to plan is often just as precious to teachers. Let's take a look at how much time 124 large...

District Attendance Incentive Policies
Explore district policies meant to increase teacher attendance in NCTQ's Teacher Contract Database.

Explore district calendar data
NCTQ's Teacher Contract Database has data on the length of the school day for teachers and students from over 145 school districts.

September 2017: Substitute Teachers
As students around the country return to class, far too many will find a substitute teacher at the helm. Here we take a look at districts' qualifications for their substitutes...

District Substitute Teacher Policies
Dig into the data on substitute teacher education requirements, pay, and more from the Teacher Contract Database.

Because every day in the classroom counts
While I have many memories from my first year of teaching, one of the most visceral comes from my early morning commute. I had to take several buses across the...

Great District Profile: District of Columbia Public Schools
Choosing the right district for you is not easy if you don't have the right information.

Great Districts for Great Teachers
For teachers, finding satisfaction in their classroom, school, and district is key to longevity and success.

September 2016: Teacher leave
This month, we take a look at how much leave time teachers receive each year and what policies school districts use to incentivize higher teacher attendance, from allowing sick and...

August 2016: Student and teacher school year
This month, we analyze school calendars for the 2016-2017 school year to answer some key questions. Is school really starting earlier? How long is the school year for students and...

If you threaten, will they come?,-will-they-come
If half the battle is just showing up, some teachers have already lost the war.

July 2016: How much time do teachers get to plan and collaborate?
In order to be well prepared for daily instruction, teachersneed time without students to plan and collaborate. This month, Trendline delves into how long the teacher workday is and how...

June 2016: Substitute teachers
This month, the Trendline takes a look at substitute teachers' required qualifications, salary, and benefits. We find some significant changes in the pay and benefits provided to substitute teachers since...

July 2015: Teacher Leave
This month's Trendline examines how much sick and personal leave the nation's biggest districts give each year and also how they incentivize their teachers, through leave carryover and buyback policies,...

June 2015: Planning and collaboration time
In June's special anniversary edition of the Trendline we explore how much time teachers get for planning and collaboration, the same topic of our first post three years ago.

A snapshot of substitute teacher policies
Substitute teachers have been in the news frequently as of late. In our most recent Teacher Trendline we laid out what we know about substitute teacher policies from the...

May 2015: Substitute Teachers
In May's edition of the Trendline we explore substitute teacher policies, including education and licensing requirements, pay and health benefits.

Myth Busters: Scholar asserts reports on American teachers' teaching time are grossly exaggerated
The myth: U.S. teachers spend upwards of 50 percent more time in front of their students than teachers inother countries (see more examples of this myth here,hereand here).Thereality: They don't....

October 2014: Teacher Leave
October's Teacher Trendline focuses on teacher leave. We take a close look at sick and personal leave, as well as policies allowing teachers to carry over leave and those that...

September 2014: Substitute teachers
As teachers and students settle into the new school year, we turn our attention to a group of teachers who often are overlooked: substitutes

August 2014: Student and teacher school year
It's back-to-school time for districts across the country, and there's no doubt many families have spent some time examining this year's calendar. In this month's Trendline, we take a close...

Roll Call: The importance of teacher attendance
This report breaks down teacher attendance for 40 districts in the nation's largest cities in the 2012-2013 school year. We identify districts with the greatest percentage of teachers with excellent...

Teacher Quality Roadmap Revisited: Checking in on Springfield, Massachusetts,-Massachusetts
This is a follow-up study of teacher policies in Springfield Public Schools as a complement to the original report which was released in October 2011. The follow-up study focuses primarily...

Tr3 Trends: Student and Teacher School Year
With the start of a new school year upon us, we thought we'd take a look at the 2013-14 calendars in the 114 school districts we track. Here's what...

Teacher Quality Roadmap: Improving Policies and Practices in Dayton Public Schools
This report examines teacher quality policies and practices in the Dayton Public Schools and provides Dayton with a tailored analysis of the teacher policy areas most in need of critical...

Tr3 Trends: Substitute Teachers
Substitute teachers spend a lot of time with students, yet policies governing their work don't often make it into the spotlight. This month we compare districts' requirements for becoming a...

Teacher Quality Roadmap: Improving Policies and Practices in the School District of Philadelphia
This report examines teacher quality policies and practices in the School District of Philadelphia and provides Philadelphia with a tailored analysis of the teacher policy areas most in need of...

Teacher Quality Roadmap: Improving Policies and Practices in Oakland
This study looks at the policies and practices shaping teacher quality in the Oakland Unified School District. It is part of a series of analyses by the National Council on...

Tr3 Trends: Teacher Leave Days
In this issue, we look at how many sick and personal days teachers get each year and what districts are doing to stem teacher absences. On average, Tr3 districts give...

Here's the deal on the deal (updated)
We've thought a lot about the strike in Chicago over the last nine days. Today we took some time to look at the details of the contract and the...

TR3 Trends: School Year Length and Summer Break
For this issue, we took a look at school year calendars to see just how long students were out of school this summer and how many days they'll spend in...

A Closer Look at Teacher Leave Benefits: An Apples to Apples Comparison
This brief explains a new approach that NCTQ is taking for reporting how much leave public school teachers receive in the large school districts that are featured in our Teacher...

TR3 Trends: Teacher Planning Time
This month we dug into our database to see how much planning time teachers get to prepare lessons, collaborate with colleagues, and engage in professional development. Here's what we found.

Teacher Quality Roadmap: Improving Policies and Practices in the Miami-Dade County Public Schools
This study looks at the policies and practices shaping teacher quality in Miami-Dade County Public Schools (M-DCPS). It is part of a series of analyses by the National Council on...

Bumping HR: Giving Principals More Say Over Staffing
In too many school districts, principals have little say over which teachers work in their buildings. NCTQ's new policy brief explores the staffing policies in 101 school districts and points...

Human Capital in Hartford Public Schools: Rethinking How to Attract, Develop, and Retain Effective Teachers,-Develop,-and-Retain-Effective-Teachers
This report, which examines the alignment of Hartford's teacher policies with its goals for improving teacher quality, represents the first in a number of similar analyses which NCTQ is undertaking...

Attracting, Developing and Retaining Effective Teachers: Background report for the United States,-Developing-and-Retaining-Effective-Teachers:-Background-report-for-the-United-States
The focus of the country background reports is on the aspects of teacher policy that deal with how to attract, recruit, develop, and retain effective teachers. The report has the...