Professional development that delivers: discovering the keys to better math and science outcomes

Professional development that delivers: discovering the keys to better math and science outcomes

How targeted professional development in math and science can significantly boost student achievement—and which strategies truly make the difference.

Policies grow and classrooms shrink: The post-pandemic state of class size limits

Policies grow and classrooms shrink: The post-pandemic state of class size limits

Classes are shrinking, but student performance is stagnant. NCTQ examines class size policy changes in the largest U.S. districts to...

When it comes to Chicago students, patience may not be a virtue

When it comes to Chicago students, patience may not be a virtue

Researchers say Chicago Public Schools ultimately assigns students to teachers known to be low-performing and unlikely to improve.

How long is your school year? It depends—a lot—on where you live

How long is your school year? It depends—a lot—on where you live

As district administrators know, there's no one way to map the school calendar. Depending on where you live, the start...

Investing in new teacher orientation and mentoring can produce long-term benefits

Investing in new teacher orientation and mentoring can produce long-term benefits

The first year of teaching is an uphill climb. As new teachers learn the ropes, they also need to connect...

An equity decision: Which teachers choose to teach which students?

An equity decision: Which teachers choose to teach which students?

New research looks into how teachers select or are selected into positions based on their preferences and those of the...

Who’s ready to teach elementary mathematics?

Who’s ready to teach elementary mathematics?

How school districts can use NCTQ's Teacher Prep Review Elementary Math standard findings in their recruiting and hiring decisions

Falling short of expectations

Falling short of expectations

New data suggests expectations placed on novice teachers during their first real professional development experience are far too low.

Dueling endorsements

Dueling endorsements

Some sensible solutions sometimes turn out to be counterproductive. A prime example may exist in Washington state, which recently instituted...

Two easy steps to a better principal

Two easy steps to a better principal

Looking for a good principal? Start your search with good teachers.

When the economy’s down, stock up

When the economy’s down, stock up

It's safe to say that recessions are bad – people lose jobs, investments lose value, politicians lose elections. However, it...

When more is less

When more is less

Time and again research has failed to find evidence that earning a master's degree make a teacher more effective.

Reading into flat NAEP scores

Reading into flat NAEP scores

With decades of research that have shown the number of children struggling to read can be cut by two-thirds or...

Unpacking Secondary Certification: Where the Rubber Misses the Road

Unpacking Secondary Certification: Where the Rubber Misses the Road

This is the final installment in a series exploring secondary certifications, state licensing tests, and the subject matter preparation that...

Unpacking Secondary Certification: How States Fail Licensing Tests

Unpacking Secondary Certification: How States Fail Licensing Tests

As has been previously detailed, secondary certification is a hot mess, and looking at state-mandated licensing tests adds yet another...

Unpacking Secondary Certification: State Certification Discontinuity

Unpacking Secondary Certification: State Certification Discontinuity

There are nearly as many arrangements of science and social studies certifications as there are states, which is somewhat astonishing...

Unpacking Secondary Certification: The Two Types of Certification

Unpacking Secondary Certification: The Two Types of Certification

There is a seemingly simple path to high school certification: complete a major in the subject you want to teach...

For those who want to teach: UTeach

Looking for an effective math teacher? What about a skilled science instructor? Need both? UTeach programs have you covered.That's the...

Student-Centered Instruction to Boost Mathematics Achievement?

Student-Centered Instruction to Boost Mathematics Achievement?

Want to increase mathematics achievement for all first grade students? Focus on teacher-directed instruction. That takeaway is from new research by Paul Morgan and...

No greater than the sum of their parts

No greater than the sum of their parts

If one Teach For America (TFA) corps member can boost student test scores at a higher rate than other teachers in...

Time to STEM the tide

Alarmingly few teacher prep programs ensure STEM knowledge

Putting basic skills first in Illinois

Illinois' poorly-timed basic skills test is leaving teacher candidates out in the cold

Common Core... There's an app for that

Are the CCSS a bit dense? Yes, but a number of smart phone apps may help

Chasing equity solutions

Paying great teachers to change schools has real benefits. But what are the costs?

More teacher prep information is on the way

Joining a handful of states, Michigan will soon hold teacher prep programs more accountable for their graduates

What makes great teachers great?

The nation's best teachers find formal teacher training least valuable

Where is biology not biology?

High school certifications are meant to ensure that teachers know their subjects. It doesn't always seem to work out that...

Teacher voices: A call for more content

High school teachers can't teach what they don't know. Research has shown that the academic success of high school students...

MEGA news for new teachers in Missouri

Missouri looks to raise the bar for licensure with revamped licensure tests

Raising Standards Down Under

The U.S. isn't the only country thinking about raising the bar for entry into teacher prep.

The School Year Shuffle

Taking a closer look at the (non) trend of extending the school year

The new black in ed reform?

Massachusetts and Iowa move teacher prep reform to the top of the agenda